WE got SUPER lucky and had a chance to sit down and chat with Mr and Mrs Dizzy from the Designs by Dizzy team. This couple has begun to take over the streaming industry due to creating "must have" overlays and custom emotes made-to-order for streamers and professionals across Twitch, YouTube, Facebook...you name it!
Who Are The Dizzys?
iLeveled : "Hello! Let's start by introducing yourselves. Who are the Dizzys?"
Mr.Dizzy : Hello! I'm David, but most know me as Dizzy. I am a motion graphic designer that focuses on graphics for content creators and live stream design. When I'm not working on new projects, I tend to play a lot of FPS and adventure games like Sea of Thieves, CoD, and Destiny. Outside of gaming, I tend to spend a lot of my time having good drinks with friends, and outdoor activities with Mrs. Dizzy and our dog!
iLeveled : "Hello Mrs. Dizzy!
Mrs. Dizzy : Hey everyone! I’m Mrs. Dizzy, my friends call me Rachel. As you could have guessed, art has been my biggest hobby and passion for as long as I can remember! And when I’m feeling burnt out, I turn to cooking to blow off steam!
What got you into streaming?
Mr.Dizzy : I originally got intro streaming as a hobby to spend more time gaming outside of my financial services job. I really wanted a creative outlet that let me spend more time in the gaming world, so I thought that live streaming was a great avenue for that!
Mrs. Dizzy : Dizzy always made streaming look way too fun and I had to try it for myself! A community of amazing and hilarious people that could keep me company as I worked on my craft?? Sign me up! And although it’s been a while since my last stream, 2023 could be heading back in that direction!
What made you make the jump into overlay creation?
Mr.Dizzy : As I spent more time in streaming, I really enjoyed building out graphics and scenes. As I started spending more time making graphics, I realized that folks kept asking for help, suggestions or commissions for their own streams. As Mrs. Dizzy has a background and education in design we put our heads together and started taking on a few projects to help folks with their stream design and overlays. We enjoyed it so much we decided to take it full time!
Mrs. Dizzy : The Graphic Arts world can be an extremely saturated and competitive place. So once we found the world of streaming and the many artistic and creative needs of streamers, we were all in and ready to supply that demand!
What are some of your favorite products you made for iLeveled?
Mr.Dizzy : I personally really like the Geometry Package as it's really clean, and the Super Mario Themed Emotes. I'm a big Mario fan!
Mrs. Dizzy : Emotes have always been my jam! So I’m loving the amount we get to make for iLeveled!
Favorite games?
Mr.Dizzy : Current I spend the most time in Sea of Thieves, however I would put Donkey Kong Country at the top of my list, followed by Halo 3, Call of Duty Black Ops II, and Destiny.
Mrs. Dizzy : I’m definitely a comfort gamer. My game time needs to bring me much needed serenity. Animal crossing and BotW all day. Throw in a lil Mario Kart if I’m feelin spicy.
Best way to reach you and see some of your work?
The Dizzys : The best way to reach us is through our website, designsbydizzy.com. We do our best to keep our projects up to date with all the work that we do. Our business Twitter and my personal Twitter are the next best ways to get in touch as see what we're working on!